- Release Date: August 7, 1981
- Creators: Gerald Potterton (director), Daniel Goldberg (writer)
- Genre: Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
- Rating: ★★★★☆
- Nine stories intertwine to form the animated awesomeness of Heavy Metal.
- The music! Black Sabbath, Cheap Trick, Devo, Sammy Hagar, Journey, and Blue Oyster Cult's Veteran of the Psychic Wars
- Captain Sternn's various sordid crimes, namely the preschooler's prostitute ring and selling dope disguised as a nun
- The Taarna barbarian leader winching up his bionic arm & the final reveal with Taarna and the Loc-Nar.
- "No hair. Mmmm. Big!" - Denn
- "I've been programmed to be fully proficient in sexual activities" - the So Beautiful and Dangerous robot, years before Data on ST:NG
- South Park's Major Boobage heavily spoofs Den, Taarna and Soft Landing