
Anime Breakdown: Gundam Wing

"The space colonies have grown tired of the oppressive rule by the Earth government! They rule unjustly and unfairly, but not unopposed. Resistance forces in the colonies have created special Mobile Suits called Gundams and chosen five young pilots to sneak down to Earth and begin a campaign that will end the Earth government's rule forever! These pilots carry the hopes and dreams of thousands of people with them as they descend to Earth to fight for their freedom."

  1. The Shooting Star She Saw - Shojo ga Mita Ryusei
  2. The Gundam Deathscythe - Shinigami to Yobareru Gandamu
  3. Five Gundams Confirmed - Gandamu Go Ki Kakunin
  4. The Victoria Nightmare - Akumu no Bikutoria
  5. Relena's Secret - Ririna no Himitsu

  6. Party Night - Pati Naito
  7. Scenerio for Bloodshed - Ryuketsu e no Shinario
  8. The Treize Assassination - Torezu Ansatsu
  9. Portrait of a Ruined Country - Bokoku no Shozo
  10. Heero, Distracted by Defeat - Hiiro Senko ni Chiru

  11. The Whereabouts of Happiness - Kofuku no Yukue
  12. Bewildered Soldiers - Mayoeru Senshi-tachi
  13. Catherine's Tears - Kyasurin no Namida
  14. The Order to Destroy 01 - Zero Wan Bakuha Shirei
  15. To the Battleground - Antarctica - Kessen no Basho Nankyoku e

  16. The Sorrowful Battle - Kanashiki Kessen
  17. Betrayed by Home, Far Away - Uragiri no Toki Kokyo
  18. Tallgeese Destroyed - Torugisu Hakai
  19. Assault on Barge - Baruji Kyoshu
  20. The Lunar Base Infiltration - Sennyu, Getsumen Kichi

  21. Grief-Stricken Quatre - Kanashimi no Katoru
  22. The Fight for Independence - Dokuritsu o Meguru Tataka"
  23. Duo, God of Death Once Again - Shinigami ni Modoru Dyuo
  24. The Gundam They Call Zero - Zero to Yobata Gandamu
  25. Quatre vs. Heero - Katoru Basasu Hiiro

  26. The Eternal Flame of the Shooting Stars - Moetsukinai Ryusei
  27. The Locus of Victory and Defeat - Shori to Haiboku no Kiseki
  28. Passing Destinies - Surechigau Unmei
  29. The Heroine of the Battlefield - Senjo no Hiroin
  30. Reunion with Relena - Ririna to no Saikai

  31. The Glass Kingdom - Garasu no Okoku (Sanku Kingudomu)
  32. The God of Death Meets Zero - Shinigami to Zero no Taiketsu
  33. The Lonely Battlefield - Kodoku na Senjo
  34. And It's Name is Epyon - Sono Na wa Epion
  35. The Return of Wufei - Ufei Futatabi

  36. Sanc Kingdom's Collapse - Okoku (Sanku Kingudamu) Hokai
  37. Zero vs. Epyon - Zero Basasu Epion
  38. The Birth of Queen Relena - Kuin Ririna Tanjo
  39. Trowa's Return to the Battlefield - Torowa Senjo e Kaeru
  40. A New Leader - Arata naru Shidosha

  41. Battle at Barge - Baruji Kobosen
  42. Battleship Libra - Ribura Hasshin
  43. Target Earth - Chijo o Utsu Orora
  44. Go Forth, Gundam Team - Shutsugeki Ji Chimu
  45. Signs of the Final Battle - Kessen no Yokan

  46. Milliardo's Decision - Miriarudo no Ketsudan
  47. Collision in Space - Gekitotsu suru Uchu
  48. Takeoff into Confusion - Konmei e no Shutsugeki
  49. The Final Victor - Saigo no Shorisha



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